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Photo of DeepakNess DeepakNess


Hey, I'm DeepakNess.

I share my thoughts, ideas, and work on the site. Think of it as my public brain dump where I jot down my experiences and showcase what I'm working on.

I am interested in areas such as programmatic SEO, artificial intelligence (AI), generative engine optimization (GEO), marketing, and more. Right now, I'm learning to code and hope to build complex apps one day.

You can also find my most recent blog posts, projects, and social media links.

Latest 7 Posts

  1. Running Ollama in Android Linux Terminal
  2. Life with a Fractured Leg
  3. Trying Out the New Android Linux Terminal
  4. Optimizing 1,300+ Images using 'sharp'
  5. Taking Notes in VS Code
  6. Creating My First Chrome Extension
  7. Better YouTube Embeds ~77% Faster

137 more posts can be found in the archive.