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The Imperfect Blog Post

I realize that writing was much more difficult when I first started in 2015 and I believe the main reason was that I used to invest too much time in perfecting the blog posts.

Like, I would write only 200-300 words articles but would read them 20-30 times and send them to multiple friends to find any mistakes that they can. I was scared of publishing articles and holding them for weeks before making them live.

So, what was the exact problem? Why was I scared of publishing like someone would punish me if there were mistakes in the article?

Because I was not able to understand the main thing:

Imperfect blog posts are better than no blog posts.

At the time, no one was going to read my articles no matter what I wrote. And, if I wrote more frequently and kept publishing it without worrying too much then the total number of words that I’ve ever written would have been a lot higher. Meaning, currently I would have been a lot better at writing than I’m now. Because…

You learn writing by writing.

Yes, the above quote is very true about writing. No matter how many articles you read and tutorials you go through, you will never be able to write good articles unless you practice writing. And, the more you write, the more perfect your writings will be.

In my case, for 3 years, I used to read a lot of articles and watch tens of tutorials on how to be better at writing. Believe me, that used to get me thinking bad about myself that I’m not worthy, people out there are great at writing and I’m the worst.

And… it was 2018 when I finally decided that whatever I write, I will publish.

It really worked, now I am not at all worried about what people will think and I can be judged if I’m not able to form a sentence correctly.

Now, I just write, edit, and hit publish.

Because I publish more, I’m writing more, and so I’m being better at writing.

That’s it.

And by the way, documenting your journey in public WILL make you successful. Start doing it from today.