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Claude vs GPT-4 - Blog Post Writing

Recently, a friend asked me about how he can use AI to write entire blog posts – he was looking for some suggestions or tool ideas. While I don’t use AI myself for writing blog posts, I started experimenting with different prompts and then finalized one that works – kind of.

I am sure that an expert prompt writer may call the prompt "not good enough", and that might be true as well because I do not have any experience writing these. However, the prompt looked something like this, with variables wrapped inside [[]].

I am writing a blog post titled [[blog topic]]. I want you to write the entire blog post including the introduction, body, and conclusion by following the below instructions and information. Keep the length of the blog post somewhere around [[word count]] words.

Instructions for the introduction:
Provide the instruction in 2 small paragraphs. And do not use the phrase 'in this blog post' or something related in the introduction.

Instructions for the body:
Divide the content into multiple headings and subheadings (Heading 2, Heading 3, or Heading 4), depending upon the length of the blog post. If possible, add lists, tables, and even examples to relevant sections.

General instructions:
I don't want to make the blog post boring for the readers. So, in one paragraph, do not keep more than 2–3 sentences, and in one sentence, do not keep more than 30–35 words. Use very simple language. And do not repeat the words Introduction or Body in the output.

Additional information:
[[Provide additional instructions]]

If you too are looking to create blog posts using AI, the exact prompt might not work for you, but this can be a good starting point. You can modify it by adding more relevant information to the prompt, and it should work for you.

After handing over the prompt to my friend, with his permission, I posted the prompt on Twitter, and it blew up – so many people found it useful. So then, I decided to experiment a bit more and provided the same prompt to Anthropic’s Claude and OpenAI’s GPT-4 and tried comparing the outputs from both.

The exact prompt that I provided for this, is below:

I am writing a blog post titled `Effects of AI on SEO`. I want you to write the entire blog post including introduction, body, and conclusion by following the below instructions and information. Keep the length of the blog post somewhere around `500`.

Instructions for introduction:
Provide the instruction in 2 small paragraphs. And do not use the phrase 'in this blog post' or something related in the introduction.

Instructions for body:
Divide the content into multiple headings and subheadings (Heading 2, Heading 3, or Heading 4), depending upon the length of the blog post. If possible, add lists, tables, and even examples to relevant sections.

General instructions:
I don't want to make the blog post boring for the readers. So, in one paragraph, do not keep more than 2–3 sentences, and in one sentence, do not keep more than 30–35 words. Use very simple language. And do not repeat the words Introduction or Body in the output.

Additional information:
- `AI is going to automate most tasks that were manually done earlier`
- `AI will take some jobs`
- `Content creation using AI will rise`

After going through both the outputs, I felt that GPT-4 was better at following instructions and the output was more structured, comparatively. However, Claude included a few fascinating points that GPT-4 failed to include.

But the difference isn’t too much, I’d say that both outputs are very comparable.