Life is a Game

Whatever you’re doing, think of it as a game. ⚽

Keep playing it. 🎮

Challenge yourself. 🎯

Study the game. 📖

Discover its beauty. 🌄

Ask what if. 🤷‍♂️

Ask why, and why not. 🙅‍♂️

Think of it as a game that you have created for yourself. You set the rules and you determine the outcomes. 🤟

Do you want to win? or lose? ⁉

You win, if you win. 🥇

Start again, if you lose. Repeat till 1000 times or more till you win. 🔁

And remember the most important thing:

You cannot play all the games. Play only the ones which bring the most value to your life. 🧬

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