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Using 'Answer the Public' for Blogging

Unless you have a 5+ years old blog with tons of content and backlinks, chances are you’re not easily going to rank for those 2-3 words keywords. It’s better if you target the long-tail keywords first.

If you ask, longtail keywords are phrases with more than 3 words — more like questions. And, since these keywords are more specific than the short and generic terms, you can target niche demographics.

Explaining it further, let’s say you are writing an article to target people who want to lose weight. And, if you target the keyword “lose weight”, there are high chances that you won’t be able to outrank those big blogs. But… you can go micro and start focusing on the longtail keywords like “lose belly fat”, “weight loss program for elderly people”, or “weight loss guide for office goers”, etc. You get the idea, right?

Answer the Public is an amazing tool to find some profitable longtail keywords within seconds. The best thing, it’s free and extremely easy to use.

Just put the short keyword in the search box and hit Search. And, you will be presented with 100s of longtail keywords or questions that people click on in the search engines and ask in the online forums.

Answer the Public app for Blogging

Yes, not all the keywords are worth writing about but most of them are. You can note down all the write-worthy keywords in a spreadsheet and send it to your content team to keep them busy for weeks. And, it will bring you great results as these keywords are very specific and target very specific demographics.

In a month or two, I open the tool and write down all the good topics that I feel like writing in the next few weeks.

It’s one of the free tools that I use as a blogger.