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Happy New Year

It’s the new year already and I am very excited about it.

Last year (2021) was good but this year (2022) should be great, I have a lot of plans and things to do.

In 2021, I made a total of $27,771.73, mainly from affiliate marketing and consulting and I am aiming to reach $100k this year, which I think is easily achievable.

Well, I am not going to explain all my plans in detail because I do not have a concrete plan this year, but overall:

That’s it.

Most probably, I will be joining an exciting full-time job so I will have to outsource and automate some of the things for my side projects. Things that can be outsourced are articles, websites, graphics, video editing, etc.

Anyways, let’s see what happens because even if things go right, it’s still just a coincidence.