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Introducing PutOut – Publish eBooks as Websites

While I’m into blogging and SEO since 2015, I started experimenting with programmatic SEO in early 2022 and created UntalkedSEO to share my learnings as blog posts. I was just documenting everything on the site – from non-technical to technical aspects of pSEO.

A month ago, I decided to compile all my important documentations on programmatic SEO into a nice ebook that anyone can access for free. And luckily, announced their free ebook publishing tool Writebook a the same time, and I was hooked. I prepared the ebook and initially published by using the tool on Hetzner.

Initial version of the ebook hosted on Hetzner via Writebook

Initial version of the ebook hosted on Hetzner via Writebook

Writebook is a great tool that allows you to host it on your own server and even collaborate with multiple people in finalizing the ebook. But… I had to keep paying the server fee of ~$5 every month just to host a static ebook that was rarely going to be updated.

So I started looking for an alternative…

And then the idea of creating PutOut comes into the play. I, along with my friend Rohit, started working on the project and it was live within a week. We used the static site generator called 11ty along with Tailwind and now, it can be hosted on platforms like Netlify, Cloudflare Pages, or even on GitHub Pages for free.

PutOut - Publish eBooks as Websites for FREE

We have created detailed documentation on how to get started with the tool as well. It’s fairly simple and very customizable and also has multiple theme options.

You can check the programmatic SEO ebook here, it’s free.

I, being a non-developer, learnt a lot about developing such a tool and certain other things like:

That’s it.

And now that have tasted the blood, I’m not going to stop! 🤩