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Photo of DeepakNess DeepakNess

How X (Twitter) Helps

I did my very first tweet on June 16, 2024, around the same time when I joined my engineering college. To be honest, I don’t remember the reason for joining Twitter at that time, but I did it anyway.

Hello Twitter! #myfirstTweet

— DeepakNess (@DeepakNesss) June 16, 2014

But no, I didn’t tweet anything significant for the next 3–4 years. I was just a passive consumer of mostly politics and some business-related tweets. And I used to love using the platform back then.

From 2021, I started tweeting some random content about blogging & SEO and noticed some people seemed to like them. It wasn’t working though, after months I only had <100 followers; I kept doing the same either way.

My tweets kept getting better with time!

In early 2022, I got into programmatic SEO, started experimenting with it, and started sharing my learnings on Twitter. In fact, I created an entire blog around programmatic SEO as well.

Introducing "Programmatic SEO OS"!

📅 Launching on Jan 5, 2023.

This is the current draft, but will be adding more info and categorizing it better.

Anything specific that you want me to cover?

— DeepakNess (@DeepakNesss) December 19, 2022

At the end of the year 2022, I even launched the best course on programmatic SEO at the time. And made decent money from it as well.

All because of Twitter!

I love Twitter more than any other social media platform because it truly feels like a business-focused community where people share their learnings. No other platform matches the level of Twitter.

Twitter helps me:

Over the years, I have had so many random people supporting me for things I do. And it feels sooooo good.

I am not leaving X (Twitter) ever.