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RCOD Framework for Content Marketing

The complete content marketing process can be understood in an easier and better way by this RCOD Framework.

R = Research
C = Create
O = Optimize
D = Distribute

Allow me to elaborate a bit…

RCOD framework

1. Research

For an effective content marketing strategy, you must know the following things:

And to better know these things, you need to spend lots of time and effort doing research. Research competitors, find keywords, brainstorm, create a buyer persona, and look everywhere else to find a correlation.

Just know that there is no fixed way to do research, keep looking, and you will surely get something.

2. Create

Now that you know what your competitors are doing and what keywords you should be targeting, the next thing you are required to do is create high-quality content.

Create tons of content pieces covering all the possible questions your potential customers might have, and experiment with different content formats—see what works.

Once you’ve done the research and be sure about what your potential users are looking for, be thorough with your content without caring about the monthly volume of the keywords.

Why? Because…

3. Optimize

Optimizing content is all about experimenting with what works better, except you already know a few things through what other content marketers have reported, such as…

And other things like content format, length, writing style, etc.; you will get to know better through experiments.

4. Distribute

Now that the content is ready, it’s time for you to develop a robust strategy to effectively distribute it. Because just hitting publish will never let your content reach its highest potential.

For distribution, some things you can do are:

Doing these things make sure that your content gets shared, more and more people see it, and reaches the potential that it deserves.

That’s it.