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Save Now - Read Later

Assume you’re in the metro, 5 mins till you reach the destination. You’re listening to the music and browsing Twitter and came across an interesting article about metaverse. You clicked on it but it’s fairly long and you do not have enough time to read it right now. If you close the app, you’re never finding it again.

Remember, good pieces of content are hard to find.

Save now, read later apps then come to the rescue. Apps like Pocket and Instapaper let you save the articles and read them later even without needing an internet connection. How cool is that!

Earlier, I used to just bookmark the articles to read them later but when there were 100s of items bookmarked, it was difficult to know which was read and which wasn’t. Also, if I have to take notes, I’d need another notetaking app to note down all the highlights from the article.

However, if you still prefer to bookmark links and files then do it the better way. Use a free tool called Raindrop that lets you save all the links in a fully searchable and easily accessible manner. Just type a few words and the related items will start to appear.

Read later apps have been able to solve both these problems. You can move the read articles to another folder like Archive. Also, you can highlight texts within the article to come back at it later.

Currently, I am using Pocket as my main “save now – read later” app which is great. It also has an amazing feature that lets you listen to any articles you save.

My Pocket App Dashboard - A Save Now Read Later App

You can how the dashboard and an individual article page look on my Pocket mobile app.

I almost forgot to mention, Pocket has apps for both Android & iOS and browser extensions for almost all the major browsers.

That’s it.

🎯 Also see: Tools I Use as a Blogger and Creator