Started a Tools Hub

Maybe I am a bit stable about using new tools now, but I used to try multiple different apps even if the current one that I’m using is working perfectly fine. And after trying tens of apps, I’d settle for the one.

I, for example, use Obsidian for most of my writings now but I have used a lot of note-taking tools in the past β€” Notion, Evernote, SimpleNote, Typora, Google Docs, MS Word, etc. And, none of these apps were able to keep me β€” some were slow, some did not look clean, and some were difficult to organize.

Recently, I have created a Tools Hub where I have listed the apps and tools that I love to use. I have also put a bit of description and explained the important features of the tools.

The tools listed in the hub are related to writing, marketing, SEO, security, designing, tracking, etc.

Do check it out, it’s awesome (at least, that’s what I think).

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