[Daily] 15 Mar 2022; “Process” is a must

As I progress with my life, I have realized how important having a streamlined process is for doing something. If there is a pre-determined process for what you do, the task becomes easier and you’re able to continue with it for years.

Almost all the famous people I follow advice on having a process. I didn’t realize this simple phrase “have a process” was so important back then, but now I do.

From 25th Feb 2022, I decided that I would be writing a daily public journal. I created a simple process for that:

  • I would publish the journal on this site: deepakness.com
  • The title would start with [daily] followed by the date and a semicolon like this 25 Feb 2022;
  • I would write about whatever comes to my mind, like the thought of the day along with what I’ll be doing or have done today

And see, this is working, it’s been almost 20 days and I have been writing and publishing every single day. And I don’t think I am going to stop at any single day.

I watched a video interview of Justin Welsh and got blown away by how he has created a process for everything that he does. I liked his content matrix the most which he always refers to in order to get writing ideas. 🔥

Apart from that, lots of writings are pending and I’ll have to do a bit more work to get everything done.

Also, tomorrow is the day when I have to publish the 3rd week’s report for the blog that I’m building in public. It’s going great so far and it’s not that difficult because again, I have set a process.

That’s it.

See ya!

See all the daily entries of the public journal

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