[Daily] 3 Mar 2022; Creator profiles

I am thinking of creating a public creator profile of creators that I admire. It will be a collection of links and stuff that I liked the most along with the creator’s photo and a short bio. I am not sure how it will benefit others but it’ll benefit me for sure — I can go back to any creator’s profile and then visit their blogs and social media directly by clicking the provided links.

I am not going to spend lots of time in it though. It’ll be a simple blog-style collection of their best:

  • articles
  • videos
  • podcasts
  • tweets, etc.

Not from today, but will be starting sometime in the future.

It’s been more than 7 days since the war between Russia and Ukraine. Unfortunately, it’s still going on — it’s heartbreaking.

Around 2000 people have died in Ukraine and 450+ Russian soldiers have died as well — see, war does no good. Like I mentioned earlier, it’s the common people of the country that pay the price. Whether it’s the Ukrainian people or the Russian people, they all have started to suffer a lot.

Hope this ends soon! ☮

See ya!

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