[Daily] 24 Aug 2022; Coming up with something new is NOT that difficult

Last week, I wrote about the RCOD framework, and it’s an original idea that suddenly popped into my mind when I was talking to a colleague over the phone. At the time, I just quickly noted it down in my notebook and then later expanded it to write a post about it. Yesterday, I came up with another such idea for the RRRR framework that represents Repurpose, Redistribute, Reshare, and Repost. Soon, I will be writing a detailed post on this.

Earlier, I used to think that the people who come up with new original ideas, must be of the god-level. But that’s not true, the more I am into writing and all the other stuff I do, the better I am coming up with original stuff. In fact, I noticed that my answers, when someone asks me about SEO or content marketing, are always different and customized to fit the question in a better way. I am able to come up with original ideas by myself. The years of learning finally seem to be paying off, as I am using all those learnings to formulate new things. And that’s what the approach should be, right?

Loving every bit of it.

Today, I would be working on the very first client of the Blog Post Planning Service that I have started. Probably, most of the day will be dedicated to that.

Let’s see how it goes.

See ya!

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